Title: Double Mommy (2016)
Director: Doug Campbell
Writers: Andrea Canning (story), Elizabeth Stuart (story)
Stars: Morgan Obenreder, Mark Grossman, Bruce Boxleitner
Plot: The girl Jess went to a party while her parents were out of town but little did she know the night would go down hill. Jess said NO to Brent but he doesn’t take no for an answer so he drugs her and rapes her then after the summer Ryan came back and Jess was pregnant Ryan’s mother made Jess take a paternity test to find out who the father was. One was Ryan’s and one was Brent’s Ryan discovers that his best friend, Brent is the father of one of his girlfriend’s twin babies and that he date raped her at a party over the summer. With college looming over Brent’s head, he will stop at nothing to make sure that he clears his name.
This film is subtitled in English to help you not only to entertain, but also improve your English listening and speaking skills.