STT Tên tài liệu
1 Grammar A1-A2: Can or could ? Simple English
2 Grammar A1-A2: Verbs with -ing or to infinitive ? Simple English
3 Grammar A1-A2: Past simple or past continuous – Simple English
4 Grammar A1-A2: Past continuous – when or while ? Simple English
5 Grammar A1-A2: Imperatives: Be quiet or Don’t be quiet ? Simple English
6 Grammar A1-A2: Past simple (irregular verbs): speeded or sped ? Simple English
7 Grammar A1-A2: Transitive and intransitive verbs: raise or rise ? Simple English
8 Grammar A1-A2: Past simple of to “be”: was or were ? Simple English
9 Grammar A1-A2: have to|has to – have to or must ? Simple English
10 Grammar A1 – A2: Preposition of time: at, on , in – At Christmas or in Christmas? Simple English
11 Grammar A1-A2: Comparatives and superlatives-handsomer or more handsome? Simple English
12 Grammar A1-A2: Too and enough: enough money or money enough ? Simple English
13 Grammar A1-A2: Action or stative verbs – Simple English
14 Grammar A1 – A2: Some or Any ? Simple English
15 Grammar A1 – A2: Have got or has got ? Simple English
16 Grammar A1-A2: Countable and uncountable nouns: money or moneys – Simple English
17 Grammar A1, A2: Present simple or present continuous ? Simple English
18 Grammar A1, A2 – KET: Present continuous: begining or beginning ? Simple English
19 Grammar A1,A2 – KET: Telling the time – cách nói giờ – Simple English
20 Grammar A1,A2: Adverb of frequency, often stay or stay often ? Simple English