Động từ khiếm khuyết

Đáp án bài tập câu để xin phép và yêu cầu (permission and requests)

Answer keys of Exercises of modal verbs for permission and requests

Make polite requests for the given situations

(Hãy làm những câu yêu cầu lịch sự cho những tình huống được cho)

1.You are having dinner at a table, and you want some pepper.

Would you/could you pass me the pepper please?

2. You want to go out for a few minutes while your teacher is giving a lesson.

May I go out for a few minutes?

3. You want to use your friend’s computer to check your email.

Could I use your computer to check my email?

4. You want your brother to pick you up at the airport.

Could you/would you pick me up at the airport?

5. You want to ask the speaker a question.

May I ask you a question?

6. You want your friend to meet you at the restaurant tonight.

Would you/could you meet me at the restaurant tonight?

7. You want to enter your dad’s bedroom while the door is half open.

Could I enter your bedroom?

8. You want the receptionist to check your booking.

Would you/could you (please) check my booking?

9. You want to borrow your friend’s textbook for a while.

Could I borrow your textbook for a while?

10. You want a bank teller to check your account.

Could you/would you check my account (please)?


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