Đáp án bài tập prepositions of place – along, through, beside/by, near, opposite, between, among, beyond, behind

Answer keys of exercises of prepositions of place          

Fill in the blanks below, using prepositions of placealong, through, beside/by, near, opposite, between, among, beyond, behind

  1. They are taking a walk           along   the bank of the river.
  2. The museum is not far away. It’s       near     here.
  3. We can find a pharmacy        between   a book store and a café.
  4. He has a secret safe    behind  a painting.
  5. Go       through            the doors, and the restroom is on your left.
  6. The restaurant is across from the school. The restaurant is opposite the school.
  7. I like living       by        a lake, so I can go swimming and fishing whenever I want.
  8. My grandpa’s house is over there, just   beyond        the hill.
  9. All of them are wearing a mask, so I can’t find my friend      among  them.
  10. When I saw the thief, he was hiding   behind  the door. After being seen, he ran through the door,    along            the path           between          the park and the river.

Link xem bài học prepositions of place – along, through, beside/by, near, opposite, between, among, beyond, behind

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