Writing FCE – Making contact and giving news – Thư liên lạc và báo tin



You are studying abroad. Write a letter to your best friend, describing the school and saying what you like most and what you like least about the school.

I. Think about your letter

1.Where are you when you write your letter?

(Bạn đang ở đâu khi viết lá thư?)

In a foreign country

2. What are you doing there?

(Bạn đang làm gì?)


3. Who are you writing to?

(Bạn đang viết thư cho ai?)

A best friend

4. How many topics will there be in your letter?

(Có bao nhiêu chủ đề sẽ nằm trong lá thư đó?)

One topic with two different aspects: what you like most, and what you like least

(Một chủ đề là trường học, nhưng có 2 khía cạnh: những gì mình thích nhất và những gì mình không thích nhất về trường học đó.)

5. What should you write in your letter?

(Bạn nên viết cái gì trong lá thư đó?)

Positive and negative things (những thứ tốt và xấu)

II. Think about the reader

  1. Who is going to read your letter?

(Ai sẽ đọc lá thư của bạn?)

A friend you know well

  1. Why are you writing the letter?

(Tại sao bạn đang viết lá thư đó?)

To give news

  1. What style of writing should you use?

(Kiểu viết thư nào bạn nên viết?)

Informal (cho những người thân quen, bạn bè)

  1. Which of following greetings and endings are suitable for your letter?

(Câu chào và kết thúc nào thì phù hợp với lá thư của bạn?)

Dear Ann,


Love/best wishes/regards, Jason

III. Brainstorm the topic

What you like most and least about the school


IV. Suitable introductions and conclusions


a. How are you?

b. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long/ages.

c. It’s been a long time since I last heard from you.

d. As I haven’t heard from you for ages, I thought I’d write to see how you are.

2. Conclusions

a. Well, that’s all my news. Write back soon, telling me what you’ve been up to.

b. Please write to me again soon, and tell me all your news.

c. That’s about all from me. What about you? Write back soon, telling me what you’ve been doing recently.

d. I’m look forward to your next letter, so write soon!

e. I can’t wait to hear your news, so write as soon as possible!

V. A model letter

Dear Ann,

How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I was very busy getting ready to come to England for my summer course.

I arrived last week, and I’m really enjoying myself, because the school is so well organised and friendly. The teachers are encouraging and the lessons are great fun! I also really like my classmates, who are from all over the world, and it’s very interesting learning about their countries.

Unfortunately, not everything is good. The worst thing is that the classrooms are very cramped and dark, so they’re rather depressing. The chairs are very uncomfortable, too! It doesn’t matter, though, because I enjoy studying new things and being in a foreign country.

That’s about all from me. What about you? I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been doing recently, so write as soon as possible!

Best wishes,



There are 4 paragraphs in the letter

  • Paragraph 1 = introduction
  • Paragraph 2 = what you like most
  • Paragraph 3 = what you like least
  • Paragraph 4 = conclusion


Exam practice

You recently spent a holiday abroad. Write a letter to your best friend describing the things you enjoyed the most and things you enjoyed the least about your holiday.

Write your letter, describing your holiday (140-190 words.)

I.Answers these questions

  1. What is the situation?

You just came back from a holiday abroad.

  1. How many topics are there in your letter?

One topic about your holiday abroad with two different aspects: what you enjoyed the most and least.

  1. Who is going read your letter?

A friend you have never met.

  1. What style of the writing should you use?


II. The outline: 4 paragraphs in the letter

  1. Paragraph 1 = Introduction
  2. Paragraph 2 = the things you enjoyed the most
  3. Paragraph 3 = the things you enjoyed the least
  4. Paragraph 4 = conclusion

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