Expressions with prepositions



  1. Ways of travelling (cách di chuyển)

By air, by plane, by road, by car, by bus, by rail, by train but on foot.

He went to the U.S by air last month.

(Anh ta đi Mỹ bằng máy bay tháng rồi.)

I usually go to school on foot.

(Tôi thường đi bộ đến trường.)

  1. Ways of contacting people (Cách liên lạc với mọi người)

By post, by email, by phone but to be on the phone (= using the phone)

They have been on the phone for hours.

(Họ đã nói chuyện điện thoại hàng giờ rồi.)

We have been in contact by email for many years.

(Chúng tôi đã liên lạc với nhau bằng email trong nhiều năm rồi.)

  1. Ways things can happen (cách mà mọi thứ xảy ra)

By chance, by accident, by mistake, but on purpose.

I have deleted all my emails by accident.

(Tôi đã vô tình xóa hết email của tôi.)

He deleted all his emails on purpose yesterday.

(Hắn đã cố ý xóa hết email của mình hôm qua.)

  1. Reasons for being somewhere ( lý do mình đang ở một nơi nào đó)

On holiday, on business, on/off duty

She is here on business.

(Cô ta đi công tác/công việc ở đây.)

They were off duty last night.

(Họ không làm việc/xuống ca tối qua.)

  1. Circumstances (ở trong một tình trạng nào đó)

In love, in secret, in private, in public, in/out of sight, in/out of debt, in/out of danger, in/out of difficulties, in a hurry, in a temper, in control, in charge of

            At peace, at war, at work, at home

You shouldn’t phone me at work.

(Bạn không nên gọi điện cho tôi ở chỗ làm.)

My parents were in debt for five years.

(Cha mẹ tôi đã nợ nần trong 5 năm.)

They have been at war for years.

(Họ đã ở trong thời chiến trong nhiều năm.)

6. Confusing expressions

At least = not less than (tối thiểu)

At last = finally (cuối cùng)

My car costs at least twenty thousand dollars.

(Xe của tôi có giá tối thiểu là 20 ngàn đồng.)

At last I have finished my homework.

(Cuối cùng tôi cũng đã làm xong bài tập về nhà.)

On the way = trên đường

In the way = chắn đường

I’ll call you on the way to my office.

(Tôi sẽ gọi cho anh trên đường tới văn phòng tôi.)

He stopped his car because the children were in the way.

(Hắn dừng xe vì mấy đứa nhỏ chắn đường đi.)

On time = đúng giờ (không hơn, không kém.)

In time = kịp giờ (đúng giờ hoặc sớm hơn.)

My school starts at 7. I come to school at 7, so I’m on time.

I came to the airport in time to check in.

(Tôi đã đến phi trường kịp lúc để làm thủ tục lên máy bay.)

In the end = the final result (rốt cuộc)

At the end = the last thing to happen

My brother didn’t want to have lunch, but in the end my mom persuaded him.

(Em trai tôi không muốn ăn trưa, nhưng rốt cuộc mẹ tôi đã thuyết phục được nó.)

The concert was amazing, and all the audience applauded very loudly at the end.

(Buổi hòa nhạc đó thật là hay, và sau cùng tất cả khán giả đã vỗ tay rất to.)

Be the matter with = something wrong

Be about = subject

Why is your sister upset? What is the matter with her?

(Tại sao em gái bạn giận vậy? Có chuyện gì với cô ta vậy?)

What is the film about?

(Cái phim đó nói về cái gì vậy?)

Be in charge of = boss, manager (quản lý)

Be responsible for = duty (chịu trách nhiệm cho nhiệm vụ được giao)

I’m responsible for accommodation.

(Tôi chịu trách nhiệm về chỗ ở. – công việc của mình là chỉ lo về chỗ ở.)

But my brother is in charge of accommodation.

(nhưng em tôi quản lý về việc lo chỗ ở. – em tôi là quản lý/chiu trách nhiệm chung về       chỗ ở, còn việc lo chỗ ở cụ thể là tôi lo.)

Exercises of expressions with prepositions

Fill in the banks with an appropriate preposition.

  1. Who is responsible                  answering the phone?
  2. The children were taken to the cinema          their parents.
  3. She doesn’t comb her hair when she is                      a hurry.
  4. What is the matter                   the meeting? There is no one here.
  5. Did you break the chair          purpose?
  6. It is       opening wine bottles.
  7. I couldn’t understand the film much because there was a big tall guy           the way.
  8. They have communicated                  email for a year.
  9. He discovered the truth          accident.
  10. He is too shy to talk to the pretty girl              public.
  11. I met a beautiful woman in the hotel where I was staying                  business.
  12. My family has been                difficulties for many years.
  13. The children were separated because their country was                   war.
  14. They have found their missing daughter                     last.
  15. We couldn’t find who is           charge of here?
  16. People during a war usually are         danger.
  17. They decided to meet             secret.
  18. I saw a strange thing               the way home.
  19. The diamond is so expensive. I think it is       least one million dollars.
  20. I’m       duty today, so we can go to the cinema.

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