Using infinitives with too and enough (Sử dụng ‘to verb’ với too và enough)


(Sử dụng ‘to verb’ với tooenough)

  1. too + adjective/adverb (+ for somebody) + to infinitive = negative results

(Quá mức không thể làm được điều gì –  impossible to do)

The box is too heavy to lift.

(Cái hộp đó nặng quá không thể nhấc được.)

The box is too heavy for me to lift.

(Cái hộp đó quá nặng đối với tôi nên không thể nhấc được = vì cái hộp đó quá nặng nên tôi không thể nhấc được.)

It’s too soon to say anything.

(Còn quá sớm nên không thể nói được điều gì.)

He talks too fast for me to understand.

(Anh nói quá nhanh nên tôi không thể hiểu được.)

  1. enough = đủ (nhiều như được yêu cầu)

adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive

            enough + noun + to infinitive

She isn’t old enough to go to a bar.

(Cô ta không đủ tuổi để đi bar.)

She studied hard enough to pass the exam.

(Cô ta học đủ chăm để đậu kỳ thi.)

They have enough money to buy that house.

(Họ có đủ tiền để mua canh nhà đó.)

  1. Rewriting sentences with enough and too

The box is too heavy for me to lift.

= I am not strong enough to lift the box.

(Tôi không đủ khỏe để nhấc cái hộp đó.)

He talks too fast for me to understand.

= He doesn’t talk slowly enough for me to understand.

She isn’t old enough to go to a bar.

= She is too young to go to a bar.


Exercises of enough and too

Rewrite the sentences below without changing their meanings

1.That ring is too expensive for him to buy.

            He is not rich enough to buy that ring.

(He doesn’t have enough money to buy that ring.)

2. He is not strong enough to carry the suitcase.


3. It’s too cold to go out tonight.


4. My brother is not tall enough to reach the book on the shelf.


5. The food is too hot to eat.


6. The house is not big enough for us to live.


7. It’s too late to go to the cinema.


8. The lesson is not easy enough to understand.


9. The table is too heavy for her to move.


10. He is too lazy to pass the exam.


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