The passive – verbs with 2 objects (động từ có 2 object – danh từ – theo sau)


(động từ có 2 object – danh từ – theo sau)

  1. Động từ có 2 object: object là một người hay vật mà một hành động hướng đến

Mary bought a book. (active)

    S      V        O

A book was bought by Mary. (passive)

Câu này chỉ có một object là ‘a book

I give him money. (= I give money to him.) (a)

S  V    I.O    D.O

He is given money. (= Money is given to him.) (p)

Câu này có 2 object: indirect object = him (gián tiếp); direct object = money (trực tiếp)

His father bought him a bike. (a)

(= His father bought a bike for him.) (a)

He was bought a bike by his father.

(= A bike was bought for him by his father.)

  1. Have/get something done (Ved/V3)

Khi chúng ta yêu cầu người khác làm gì cho mình mà không cần biết ai thực hiện

I had my hair cut.

(Tôi đã đi cắt tóc.- thợ hớt tóc đã cắt cho tôi.)

He is having his house painted.

(Anh ta đang nhờ người ta sơn nhà cho anh ta.- thợ sơn đang sơn nhà cho anh ta.)

I want to have my car washed.

(Tôi muốn rửa dùm cái xe. – tôi muốn xe tôi được ai đó rửa.)

Trong cách nói thân quen thì get có thể dùng thay thế cho have

I got my shoes repaired. (= I had my shoes repaired.)


Exercises of verbs with 2 objects in the passive

I.Change the following active into the passive

1.A waiter handed him a menu.

He was handed a menu by a waiter.

A menu was handed to him by a waiter.

2. The university has awarded them a scholarship.



3. Dave lent Jim two hundred dollars.



4. The company is offering my sister a job.



5. John brought me some cards.



6. They will send you a postcard.



II. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the parentheses.

  1. I thought those chair were broken.

I (have/mend) have had them mended.

  1. Your car has got a flat tyre.

I can (have/fix)                        at the gagrage.

  1. This house is dirty.

We must (have/clean)                        .

  1. What’s happened to your hair?

I (have/colour)                         .

  1. This house is too dark.

I agree. We should (have/redecorate)                        .

  1. These shirts are too loose.

You need (have/take in)                     .

  1. What a beautiful house!

Thanks. We (have/design)                  by a famous architect.

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